Allison Levin and her husband Brad have lived in Highland Park for over 30 years, raising their son and two daughters. Allison is a Managing Director at Fidelity Investments. She has a BA in English Literature from Northwestern University and an MBA from The University of Chicago.

Allison’s passion has been elevating at risk children and youth. Her past involvement has included Citizen Schools of Illinois, both Board Member and weekly classroom volunteer and corporate programming organizer; Board Member and Human Resource Chair for The Women’s Treatment Center; Chicago Public Schools Tutor. At Fidelity she serves on several Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion task forces.

Over the years, Allison’s additional community service involved her children and organizing classroom activity, including PADS, Habitat for Humanity, Maot Chitim.

Allison is grateful for the opportunity to focus on safety-net services for children and families in need as a Moraine Township Trustee and to work with the Township VITA Program as a volunteer helping to prepare free income tax returns for low- income taxpayers.